What Clients Are Saying

“Before my session with Sarah, I was having a bad week.  I was struggling with anxiety and kept getting into a very triggered state remembering some childhood traumas that affected my sense of self-esteem and feeling like I wasn’t capable to handle the challenges in my life. I was just starting to feel un-grounded and distractable, not getting a lot of things done. The session was very calming and I felt deeply happy in a way I hadn’t in days, only a few hours after our session. 

Over the next few days, I started feeling more grounded and I got an enormous amount of writing done for my important projects, my book, my business, which are things that I was feeling off about the week before.  Thanks for your help Sarah, things feel back on track now.”

— Sofia Wren, Author, Coach for Sensitive People to Write & Create

“Despite doing lots of personal work for a long time, I was really frustrated that my hyper-vigilance and stress around money was still coming up so strong for me. Nothing really seemed to shift me out of this loop of lack and fear, and so that's why I decided to take a chance and see if Sarah's methods could help.

I am so glad I did! As a space-holder and "energy wizard" Sarah was able to help me witness my traumas and painful experiences without getting lost in them. More importantly, her energy work was incredibly powerful. Within days I felt like my brain and spirit were co-creating new stories of fun, abundance and creativity, instead of the old programs fear, shame and guilt. 

Even now, weeks after our two sessions, I am still feeling the positive effects of our work together. I don't know how she does it (such are the wonders of energy work), but it definitely worked for me! I would highly recommend working with her. I will be giving her my business again for sure.”

— Elliot Aronow

“I contacted Sarah for one of her distant healing sessions, wanting support on how I eat, most specifically how I comfort myself through eating. She tuned into me and immediately felt my mind being unstoppably very busy and fast.  Then she tuned into my digestive track and felt a lot of irritation.  After her session, I felt light, my mind more relaxed, like it could breathe.  I had diarrhea for a few days, as the detox process.  I started taking care of my mind and of my diet more easily and now I am juicing some days a week.  I am less hungry, have way more energy, a quieter mind, physically getting more in shape.  Thank you Sarah, for the unravelling of ease you facilitated in me.

Adrian Larrain

“It’s been a very interesting journey for sure. I feel like the kinks you released brought me back to my true physical nature. And this has allowed me to open up wide to letting life in, in all of its ups and downs.

I have taken considerable care of myself in ways I haven’t in awhile. Long hot showers with bath salts and exfoliating. Quiet moments alone to cry and release.  Listening to my Solfeggio tones. Being in my body! My energy levels have increased dramatically – without the static in my system, energy is free to move and the more I trust my body’s desires to move the more I want to move!

I am off sugar. It happened before I even realized it. It was like I looked back and went oh wow, it’s been a week! Then I had a sugary sauce and felt so sick.

The unfolding of the shifts is nothing short of miraculous. With all of my system available to me again I’m able to be one with life, ebb and flow with it. Discover what truly works for me and not just do what I’ve always done. Consistently moment by moment chase anomaly. I am falling in love with myself!

B. H.