What Does it Take to Heal?

My Tips for Optimum Long-Term Success

  • ☼ I believe that you need to take personal responsibility for your healing - that is not giving your power away to a practitioner.
    ☼ This can look like making decisions on how your body reacts regardless of what somebody else says.
    ☼ If it doesn't react well to a treatment, supplement or medication then take ownership of that and find something that does work for you.

  • ☼ I think there is power in knowing how our bodies work - this doesn't mean that you need to go and study anatomy and physiology, but an understanding of your condition, pain or other health issues is valuable.
    ☼ This may involve asking questions of your practitioner, health care provider or even some self-research.
    ☼ From this place you can make knowledgeable and informed decisions for yourself.

  • ☼ This will show up as being willing to try new things - such as different healing modalities (science doesn't know everything).
    ☼ I believe in many things that science, at this particular time in place, cannot prove - that doesn't mean it doesn't work. If you aren't even open to exploring other options you may never know how good you can feel),
    ☼ Our minds play such a huge part in our healing - it has the power to change your perception of your health issue. ☼ It can be the difference between healing and not at times.

  • ☼ Your ability to choose a different reality to your current circumstances.
    ☼ Things don't have to be how they have always been, you can make choices when you become aware of programs that have been running your life subconsciously (as we know now that 95% of our everyday lives is run by the subconscious).
    ☼ New awareness’s provide you with new possibilities.
    ☼ This is why I am so big on, you cannot change your life without being aware of what is running your life - such as choices and beliefs, because from your beliefs, in particular will determine your actions, then your actions determine your reality.