
Holistic Counselling

Holistic Counselling sessions focus on areas of concern that you are looking to work through from a mind-body-spirit lens.

The initial session we will spend time delving into your medical history and your concern(s) that you are wanting to work on. A fundamental aspect of holistic counselling is that you are the driver of the session, so we will work on the outcomes that you are desiring to achieve. A variety of techniques may be used that include talk therapy, crystal healing, distant energy healing, breath work, meditation, chakra healing, colour therapy, art therapy, relaxation therapy, relationship therapy, goal setting, oracle and.or tarot cards for guidance, channelling your guides and higher self for solutions, plus others that can be discussed at the time of your session.

Follow up session: In these sessions we will review what has occurred since the last session and any new outcomes that you wish to work on.  Techniques may vary from the initial session and will depend on what outcomes you are seeking – they are always individual to your needs and may vary with each session.

Initial Session: 90 mins |  $160 AUD
Follow Up Sessions: 60 mins |  $100 AUD

Cervello Calm™

Cervello Calm™ is a healing modality that I personally created which is designed to re-calibrate and calm the Central Nervous System (CNS)

The initial package includes a talk session which determines what is creating stress in your life and where that stress stems from.
After we have worked through the talk session there is the energy healing where I work on your central nervous system to take it out of the overwhelmed state into a calm state where your trigger no longer stimulates a heightened response from your central nervous system The energy healing session can be done immediately after your talk session, or we can schedule a time that may suit better such as when you are asleep.

There is then a follow up session organised within 7 days of your session to talk through any concerns that you may have experienced post the energy healing.  There is then a complete second session to work through anything new that has arisen after your first session – sometimes this is a completely new concern or a deeper dive into the initial issue. 

Initial Cervello Calm Package:
2 - 60 mins Sessions with Integration Follow-up |  $250 AUD

Integration Follow-up is included after each 60 minute session, approximately 7 days afterward. This is provided to support maximum healing, integration, re-patterning and compassionate witness for any additional concern that has arisen as a result of the session work.

Personalised Meditation

A uniquely created, just for you, audio meditation designed as a strategic, easy to use, tool to support healing in your key area of focus.

A personalised meditation session involves a 30-minute talk session where we discuss your greatest concern or area you are wishing to seek change in. I will then channel you a personalised meditation, specifically for you and your unique needs. It will come with journal prompts for you to work through and a written transcript of the meditation.

The benefits of a personalised meditation session (over a generic one that you can get anywhere on the internet) is that this one is specially designed for you and your personal needs. It will be channelled for your highest good and for your greatest benefits to occur from listening to it and working through the journal prompts that come through which will also be channelled.  It will be something that you can come back and listen to, time and again, whenever the need arises.

The topics covered can be on anything that you want to work through from food issues, money, health concerns, triggers/challenges, ancestral trauma patterns, or areas of resistance you are working with in the present time. The meditation will be aimed at calming your nervous system down, so that you are receptive to hearing your inner voice and internal messages to gain insight for your highest benefit.  This is a great way to start working on areas that feel like a barrier to creating your best life.

Each one is different and tailored to your needs – it may have visualisations, relaxation exercises, breath work embedded within the meditation, whatever is best for your highest good.

Personalised Meditation Package:
1 - 30 min Session with a Custom Audio (mp4) Meditation, a Written Meditation Transcript and Journal Prompt Integration Questions for Deeper Exploration/Innerstanding |  $100 AUD

Personalised Meditations are created after sessions are completed, approximately 1-3 days afterward. This is designed to target and support maximum healing, integration, re-patterning and compassionate witness for the area of concern that was discussed during the 30 min talk session.

When you book a Holistic Counselling, Cervello Calm™  or Personalised Meditation session you get so much more than just the description above you - get 20+ years’ experience in the health and wellness industry. Along with my knowledge gained over that period, my business and life lessons, as well as my collective educational learnings. All of these allow me to provide you with an experience that is rich with not only theory-based knowledge, but also lessons learned from being in the industry for a great length of time. Over the years as I have seen many fads come and go and I still hold true to the notion of finding what works best for you. As a client you get all these aspects of me as a therapist and practitioner during your sessions to create a life and business that is calm, peaceful and that you love.

“As a space holder & ‘energy-wizard’ Sarah was able to help me witness my trauma & painful experiences without getting lost in them.”


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Get in touch.