Why It’s Worth Working On Yourself
Grief: The Shadow In The Background
Grief has many layers and if we are not aware of them, they may cause us to make choices that are not healthy for us.
Exercises To Calm Your Anxious Thoughts
Anxious thoughts have the capacity to relegate us, unable to think clearly, so at times it is important to have some strategies to help calm the mind . . .
The Beginners Guide to Meditation
Meditation brings up many different responses depending on past experiences with it. Some say its too hard, I can’t sit still for that long, or it’s boring and I get nothing out of it. Let me reassure you that you can make meditation anything that you want it to be.
How to Take An Effective Mental Health Day
When in need of a mental health day it is good to remember that you are not a bad person or failed in any way for needing to place a priority on your mental health. Any guilt you feel will undo any benefit from taking a day to look after yourself.
A Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood
A morning routine that is aligned to your needs has the potential to set you up to have an amazing day.
An important part of a morning routine is to have the time to dedicate to yourself and any spiritual or self-care strategies that you wish to implement. If you feel rushed this will be counter intuitive to your desired outcome.
A Masterful Life
We are choices away from a better life
The power is in our minds
The lessons we have learned
Are the stepping stones of our future
Healing Journey
A journey takes many roads
To places you may not have known
To people who change your world
To people who teach you what is important
Why Wait?
Why wait to change
Why wait for the perfect day that never arrives
Why wait for others to change
Why wait for permission
Why wait for approval