The Chakras & their Physiological Qualities

  • Normally people only consider the chakras and their associated attributes and functions and what an imbalance looks like.
    • However, another aspect of the chakra system is what each one is related to from a nervous system, physiological system and endocrine system standpoint.
    ☼ This information may broaden your understanding of why when you do energy healing on the solar plexus chakra you can create change in the digestive system.
    ☼ Also, therefore when working on the central nervous system can affect the crown chakra.

    • There is an inter-relationship between the physical body and the energetic bodies of the chakras.
    • Western medical science is only now recognising that the endocrine system has regulatory functions that affect the mind and body, which the Indo-Tibetan chakra tradition has known for some time.

  • The crown (purple) chakra’s nerve plexus is the cerebral cortex and covers the Central Nervous System (CNS) and is related to the pituitary gland.

  • The brow (dark blue) chakra’s nerve plexus covers the autonomic nervous system and is related to the pineal gland.

  • The throat (light blue) chakra’s nerve plexus is the cervical ganglia medulla and covers the respiratory system and is related to the thyroid gland.

  • The heart chakra’s nerve plexus is the heart plexus and covers the circulatory system and is related to the thymus gland as well.

  • The solar plexus chakra nerve plexus is the solar/celiac plexus and covers the digestive system and is related to the pancreas.

  • The sacral chakra nerve plexus is the sacral nerve plexus and covers the reproductive system and is related to the gonads.

  • The coccyx/root/base chakra is the sacral-coccygeal nerve plexus and covers the genitourinary system and is related to the adrenals.