• There are a couple of ways to know if I am the right practitioner for you, they include having a look around my webpage, at my journal, and site resources to check out if my views resonate with you. Also review my article on What It Takes to Heal.

    Second, I wish to be abundantly clear that if you are looking to be a passive participant in your healing journey and want me to tell you what to do, when to do it and how to do it - then I am NOT the practitioner for you. 

    I expect you to be an active participant in your health journey, our sessions will involve you tuning into yourself to look and view your past situations through a lens of semi-detachment as a contributing factor in your present-day issue(s).  I also expect you to actively participate in determining any action to take and whether something is true for you or not.  This is not to scare you but to make you aware of the limitations our sessions will have around creating success – you ultimately need to be the one standing in your personal power and not giving that to me, as I will not accept it.

    If you are looking for a practitioner that can facilitate and guide you through your healing journey with a level of neutrality to your situation and therefore a capacity to see things that you may not, then I may be the right practitioner for you.

    If you are looking for a safe space to delve deeper into your issues, then I will be a guide for you.  If you are open minded to being presented with different ways of seeing your situation, then I can create that safe space for you to explore your situation from many different angles, that may spark a mindset shift and create a flow on effect into your current reality that provides you with a sense of peace, calm and serenity in your day to day living.

    If you are looking for a practitioner that has been in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years with a variety of modalities to draw on to help create the greatest shifts for you then I may be the right practitioner for you.

    If you have any questions, I suggest that you book a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to determine if we are a great fit for each other.

  • In your first session you can expect slightly different things depending on what service you’ve booked.  For a Cervello Calm™ session you can expect that we will discuss the primary issues that you want to work on and the desired outcomes that you are working towards and then delve into your past to create a picture of how it all impacts you today – this will likely take approximately 30 minutes and then we move onto the healing session which I will explain at the end of the talk therapy session as to what is involved with that experience.  From there, there will be a follow up email sent about what came through in the healing session.  After that, I will follow up in a couple of days to check in on how you are going and to discuss anything that may have come up for you.  If you have purchased the introductory Cervello Calm™ session this includes a second session that may or may not follow on from the first session depending on what changes were experienced after the first session.  You may want to go even deeper into the first issue or move onto another issue. 

    If you book in for a Holistic Counselling session, we will discuss your health history and determine what you want to work on and your desired outcomes. Then we will move through a therapy session using a variety of tools to help you explore your current situation and create action plans for moving towards your desired outcomes.  In terms of follow up this will be discussed at the end of the first session to determine how many follow up sessions may be required.  It is important to realise that often desired results won’t be achieved in a single session – a healing journey requires a certain level of resilience to get to our desired outcomes.

    If you purchase a Personalised Meditation this session will involve a talk therapy session of approximately 30-45 minutes to determine the primary issue and desired outcomes from the meditation that you are looking for.  I will then channel and record your personalised meditation and email you the audio recording with some journal prompts for you to consider as part of your healing journey.  In terms of follow up I will check in that you have listened to the meditation and have found it useful – also remembering that this may take some time for the full effect to occur.

  • Determining frequency of sessions is best done at the end of the initial consultation.  Some people benefit from monthly sessions, others on a more or less frequent basis, it really depends on a couple of things, such as, your capacity to process a session – and importantly this may be different for each session/issue that you are working on. 

    You will know you are ready for a session when thinking about the last session you can look back and see the results that you have got, and new desired outcomes are now present, and you need some help achieving these.  Secondly, you may feel the need to delve deeper into your issue and are ready to do this.

    If there is any hesitation about whether you are ready this it is probably a sign that the time is not quite right, you should always want to have a session and not dread the upcoming session.

  • I would say as it currently stands that my Cervello Calm™ sessions are the most potent and successful for my clients.  In these sessions we can look at the source of what is creating the issue in your life and reduce its impact on you by calming the Central Nervous System response in the body.  These sessions have worked on pain, food issues, money issues there really is no limitation to what we can work on in these sessions. 

    That’s not to say that Holistic Counselling sessions are not powerful, they just do not include some aspects from the central nervous system regulation that you get out of the energy healing session of Cervello Calm™.

    My Personalised Meditation offerings are brand new and therefore I am honing this skill for your greatest benefit.

  • I recommend listening to your body – learn to give it what it needs – this may be rest, exercise/movement, keeping hydrated, more food, different food – remember that this type of work can be quite taxing on an energetic level and therefore the body may seek more energy dense foods to support the shifts that you are going through.

    This is an opportune time to hone your skills in befriending and honouring your body, mind and spirit - this can take some practise to recognise what will enhance your experience.  It is also the perfect time to be fully present to your body and not dismiss its’ needs. 

    Self-compassion is an integral aspect of the healing journey – being kind to yourself is important following a session and while you are processing/integrating what has come up for you.

    My After Session: Self Care guide may be of added support for you as well.

  • First, I would acknowledge that you have been triggered – from there you can ask yourself a couple of questions around this such as - What about this bothers me? Where in my past have I experienced a similar response? – who was present? what age were you? what did I make this mean at the time and currently what do I make this mean?  Journal your answers to see if you gain any insights that may prove fruitful to what issue you were exploring during the session.

    Please be aware that it can be a perfectly normal response to feel triggered after a session, as during most sessions we are delving into aspects of your issue that you may not have seen before which can be a bit jolting to the system.  Please remember to be self-compassionate towards yourself when anything new arises, the healing journey is one of a spiral where you come into new awareness’s building on previous insights. 

    If after all this self-reflection you are still struggling, then please do not hesitate to contact me via email to see if I can add further support to your situation.

  • Yes, you can contact me in between scheduled sessions for extra support, please remember that I generally check in a couple of days after a session to see how you are travelling – so feel free at this point to let me know how you are doing and whether there is anything that you need my help with – I appreciate your utmost honesty in these email interactions just as I do during your sessions.  Be mindful that the support I may offer may be more questions for you to gain your own insights, as I am here as a guide and facilitator for your healing journey, but ultimately to empower you to find your own answers.

  • Healing Crisis, HERXing or a HERX reaction which are most commonly described as short-term detox reactions in the body that can occur after a healing session. 

    Symptoms can include things such as fatigue, feeling sluggish, nausea, headaches, joint and muscle pains, body aches, sore throats along with sweating and chills, or could come in the form of a temporary increase in your emotional reaction(s).

    A healing crisis is often experienced as a rebound effect of your symptoms after a healing session, so things can appear worse before they get better. You may find that you are triggered more easily and cannot understand why certain things are setting you off.  Both reactions are perfectly normal to a healing session and usually resolve themselves after a couple of days.  Treat yourself kindly post session by giving yourself some extra care and attention in the days that follow a session. if symptoms continue in the long term consider consulting your health care practitioner for further advice.

  • Yes, you can cancel and reschedule your appointments if you are unable to attend them. I do ask for as much notice as possible, but understand that sometimes life throws us curve balls and you may need to cancel at the last minute.  I appreciate a courtesy email to let me know that that is what you need to do – I don’t appreciate a no show

    If however you consistently cancel at the last minute, I reserve the right to take a fee from your pre-purchased session to cover the cost of my time.  I will let you know if I intend on doing that, and usually you are given at least one late cancellation waiver before this is implemented.  If you are unsure of your schedule, then I do recommend that you book your session as close as possible to the day and time that you want to avoid being charged a late cancellation fee.

  • Only in exceptional circumstances and generally I would offer you the option of delaying your appointment to a more suitable time, and/or trying an alternative offering.  If you are unsure whether you will gain value from my offerings I suggest that you book in for a FREE 15-minute Discovery Call to chat about your options or concerns