After Session: Self Care

What can you expect after your Cervello Calm™ or Holistic Couselling session?
After your session there is the possibility for a variety of experiences, some are:

  • Deep sleep

  • Calm

  • Restlessness

  • Productive with desired tasks on a to do list

  • Tired

  • Energised

Days after the session some other things can occur.  It is not uncommon for a rebound affect to your trigger where it becomes more noticeable. However this response often calms down after a couple of days, but it is important to be aware that this can happen so that you are not shocked that it has occurred.  Remember any response is perfectly normal for you.

However if you are overly concerned, please contact me so that we can have a check in. Be mindful that I will be checking in with you a couple of days after your session, and feel free to let me know what is going on for you.  I do expect a response to this contact, whether it is via messenger or email, this response can be short just letting me know that you are processing after the session.

Also be aware that other triggers may come up that may cause you to resist replying to my check in – I highly recommend that you still reply with whatever is coming up, this is why there is a second session after a first Cervello Calm™ session because the change may feel overwhelming (alternatively your change maybe so subtle that you think nothing has changed. I promise you that change has occurred, some positive aspect is that you may barely notice the change).  I encourage communicating what is going on for you. I also acknowledge that some processing can take time – but please let me know where you are at. 

Post Session Tips
for Integration & Lasting Healing

Some other post session changes you may experience are:

  • Stiffness within the body – the body part that is stiff can highlight an area that you are working on such as:

  • Lower back - being about support, money/finances issues and family

  • Hip and lower body - stiffness can correlate to moving forward in life/ or lack thereof or resistance to taking the steps/action that you need to take.

  • Upper back and shoulders - can be the perception that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders

  • Neck - is often about limited or restricted points of view and not open to new points of view.

  • Eyes - can be about not wanting to see what’s in front of you, especially if they are blurry or sore

  • Ears - not wanting to hear what other people or ever you have to say if you experience trouble hearing

  • Digestive issues – this can be solar plexus energy getting integrated as the solar plexus also has a nerve plexus called solar which helps with digestion. So if you have detox effect of diarrhea that can be perfectly normal. 
    If you resist this integration you may end up with constipation.  Other digestive changes could be a reduction in the desire for sugar and other foods that have been ‘problematic’ for you. Further to the meta-physical aspect of digestive issues can be what are you willing to or alternatively not willing to digest or assimilate in your life.

  • Additionally, my articles on What It Takes to Heal, and on the energetic aspects of The Chakra System may be of added benefit as well, towards aiding you in identifying other areas that may be showing signs of being in the active stages of the healing process.

Commonly a couple of days after your session these responses settle down and you start to move into the positive changes that are to come, such as less reactive to the trigger that you have worked on.  You often will start to move through your day with less stress and feelings of overwhelm and generally feel calmer and able to move ahead with desired outcomes with greater ease. 

The biggest thing I can recommend is that your experience is perfectly normal and can be completely unique to you. Be extra gentle with yourself. Do not fight what comes up, take note and see what changes occur over a couple of days, to see if it naturally shifts because of your session.  If it doesn’t shift, then possibly there are more aspects to the trigger/issue and it may be good to delve into that core wound with greater depth in another session.

Be kind to yourself in the days that follow a session. Be observant to what comes up for you and remain open to all possibilities of changes occurring in your life after your session.