Creating a Calm Life

A Calm Life Allows Us to Make Better Choices & Lends to a More Peace-filled World for All

I have come to realise that my mission is multi-layered and at its core it is about creating a calmer world and I do this by guiding and empowering you to explore your inner world - to free you from the binds of the past to create the future you desire - with less stress and overwhelm.  You may feel this is impossible, but I am here to tell you that it IS possible.

You may ask why a calmer world? For one, there are many benefits to living a calm life, from better sleep, less pain, more harmonious relationships – often seen as less fighting, frustration, better communication.  I have seen it in my own life. I have shifted more and more to living a calm lead life. I am less reactive to my triggers and if I am triggered then I resolve it much quicker.

As part of this change, I have come to care for myself in such a way that I see making these changes for me, changes those closest to me.  Making the change to be kinder to myself and put my needs high on my priority list have flow on effects.  My home life is much calmer than it ever has been and that’s not to say that it wasn’t before, but going to a whole new level, where it just feels more peaceful and with the added benefit of being able to discuss issues in a manner that is honouring to both myself and my husband.  This has had a flow on effect to how I interact with the rest of my extended family as well, which has never been an easy one is general. 

Choosing this way of life also has enhanced my compassion for myself and others, and being able to open myself up to seeing life from their perspective and why they may be reacting and acting in the way that they are. It’s amazing how this reduces my stress. Its no longer about me but the greater whole.
— Sarah

Other benefits that I have seen from making the conscious decision to live a calm lead life is that decisions become so much easier.  I can simply ask myself does this make me feel calmer or not, does it create a sense of stress and pressure, or not.  This one has been interesting particularly from a business perspective as I have come to realise many sales approaches require you to feel pressured to decide or you are going to miss out.  I had this come up recently with a course I was thinking of taking – which I didn’t because there was a level of pressure that I didn’t feel comfortable with, but at its core the decision was made on how it made me feel. In the end I let it go even though it could have been very beneficial to my business growth, it wasn’t a big enough desire to take me out of wanting to live a calmer life.  I have made a conscious decision from this experience about how I run my business moving forward in terms of creating calm processes and procedures for you, and me, as I do not want my business to function from a place of rush, pressure and fear.

Fear is an interesting motivation as often decisions based on fear result in a sense of not enough, such as; not enough time, money, clients, resources to go around, or that if you don’t do it now you will miss out – like you will be late to the party. This is not just business related but can flow into the personal such as when shopping you might not need something but it is on special so you feel like you might miss out or must pay a higher price if you wait, all while creating stress about making the ‘wrong’ decision. To me personally this doesn’t feel good. I actively choose differently one from a place of calm, certainty that I will make the right decision at that time based on whether it instills a sense of peace and calm, or stress and fear,  I will always choose peace and calm and know that it is the right decision, regardless of the perceived outcome.

Other changes that I have seen through this is creating an environment wherever I go that is calm and soothing – from my home, to my workplace, to whomever I interact with - I can take this feeling with me, and if I need to, I have tools in my toolbox to help me calm my nervous system down to manage those situations that do create stress.
— Sarah

I am more mindful than ever about what it is that I bring to the table of my interactions with myself and others, because as stated earlier what benefits me, benefits you.  I have seen it in my clients. As I have slowed down and become more present, they often leave a treatment feeling calmer than they have in the past, and may wonder why and I acknowledge that is my calm state of being at work.

You may not see how this is possible for you. But great changes often happen one choice at a time. You have the power to change your life and it begins with a single decision, or choice, about how you want to move forward.

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