Intuitive & holistic support honouring the myriad of ways we express & heal together.

Holistic Counselling, Cervello Calm™
Energy Healing & Personalised Meditation Tools

Guided healing through conscious compassionate witness, self-love practice, calmness & integration.

My Mission

I have come to realise that my mission is multi-layered, at it’s core it is about creating a calmer world. I do this by guiding and empowering you to explore your inner world - to free you from the binds of the past, to create the future you desire - with less stress and overwhelm.

You may feel this is impossible, but I am here to tell you that it IS possible. I am a statement to that potential and I want to support you in achieving a calmer state of being as well.

“How can you LOVE yourself back to health?”

— Sarah Yeoman

A life-long proponent of healing and wellness modalities, Sarah’s rooted in a holistic approach - supporting all aspects of healing. Calming the mind & body, while freeing the soul to express more of itself in our daily lives.

My most potent services are offered through
Holistic Counselling, Cervello Calm™ & in working with you directly to develop customized techniques specifically designed for your individual needs & goals.

What Clients Are Saying

“Sarah has a true gift for healing and compassionate witness, as well as, for directly calming the body/CNS to support the numerous ways the body itself is urging to be held in safety, calm and peace. Her unique gifts are a Godsend. I highly recommend her guidance to elevate you along your journey.”

— Kellee Ratzlaff Oregon, USA

“My two Cervello Calm intro sessions with Sarah have been fantastic!!  I have been aware of a very deep quiet and restorative energy throughout my body, especially in my nervous system. I'm called to continue the work that she so graciously presents as I hear a big YES for the well being of my system.
Deeply grateful for her offerings.

— Cristina Trujillo

“So powerful and beautiful. I incorporated the heart meditation several times as well. Amazing! Your gift is beyond words incredible.”

— Anonymous

“ . . . I am off sugar. It happened before I even realized it. It was like I looked back and went ‘Oh wow, it’s been a week!’ . . . The unfolding of the shifts is nothing short of miraculous. With all of my system available to me again I’m able to be one with life, ebb and flow with it.”

— B. H.

Ready to take the next step in your healing journey?

A Medicine Woman's Prayer

I will not rescue you,
For you are not powerless.
I will not fix you,
For you are not broken.
I will not heal you,
For I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.

- Sheree Bliss Tilsley