Sarah Yeoman

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A Morning Routine Will Improve Your Mood

A morning routine that is aligned to your needs has the potential to set you up to have an amazing day.

An important part of a morning routine is to have the time to dedicate to yourself and any spiritual or self-care strategies that you wish to implement. If you feel rushed this will be counter intuitive to your desired outcome.

Firstly, it is key to set an intention for what you want to get out of your day, by setting your intention you set yourself up to become aware when you are not meeting it, from here you have the capacity to change what you are doing and implement new strategies to achieving your desired outcome.

Here are some suggestions for creating a morning routine that first and foremost feels amazing, it allows you to find what fits your current lifestyle.  Again, it is crucial to take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.  However, you may want to try some that are new to see if you find that they help with creating a routine that helps your mood.

  • When you first wake allow yourself some time to just lie there and take some deep belly breathes to balance and calm your central nervous system (CNS).

  • After this there are a variety of options for the next step;
    this can include reading in bed for a short period of time, writing in your journal about what you want to achieve today, you could also journal any stresses that you are feeling about the day ahead so that it is out of your head, and you can focus on other more relaxing endeavours. You could also look to do some gentle stretching, using a guided meditation to create an uplifting start to your day. You could include a ritual around pulling an oracle or tarot card for guidance for the day ahead and journal about what comes up for you. Remember that any of these suggestions can take as long or short as you need, so that they fit into your lifestyle.  Please do not place any pressure on yourself to spend more time than you have, you can if you want to get up earlier than you currently do however, I know that this is not always possible or ideal.

  • Once you have moved on from these suggestions you can now look to move into your day – this can include sealing your energy field to allow for vibrant energy to enter and negative energy from others to be redirected back to its’ source. This allows you to move through your day with greater ease.

  • After this I suggest a breakfast if it aligns with your current eating pattern that provides you with a variety of key nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates (fruits, vegetable and starches as some suggestions) , and healthy fats to keep your blood sugars balanced so to prevent low blood sugar issues – which can lead to us feeling less than ideal – this can show up as anger, frustrations, headaches to name a few consequences, if we don’t eat.

In relation to any of the above suggestions, start where you are and adjust as necessary. As you learn what works for you and what doesn’t, you can shift and change as required. Remember this is about finding what works for you. You are in control of what you include or exclude, you know your preferences better than anyone – take power in that knowledge. 

I suggest that you see a morning routine as something that will enhance your day - as opposed to another chore in your long list.  Create a morning routine that you look forward to and want to participate in, it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s make it unique to you. I encourage you to view it as a healthy tool to create shifts and changes in your life.